Israel Advocacy club focuses on new year
Members discuss current Israeli political issues
Steve Hunegs addresses the Israel Advocacy Club Feb. 8. Hunegs discussed his work and students’ connection to Israel.
October 13, 2017
According to club president junior Dani Orloff, from a discussion group to a group of activists, the Israel Advocacy club sets its attention to political and social issues in Israel as they advocate for change.
“Israel Advocacy club is the first of its kind in the Midwest, it’s to teach students how to advocate for Israel and so we have a lot of speakers come in to talk about how they are related to Israel or the Middle East,” Orloff said.
Orloff said some goals of the club are to communicate and inform the state of Minnesota about political issues to push for change from a prominent Jewish society like St. Louis Park.
“We (Israel Advocacy club does) do different things like communicating with our state representative, telling them what’s going on with Israel and advocating through writing letters to convince them to help stand up for Israel” Orloff said.
Senior member of Israel Advocacy club Ruchamah Borg said one of the main ways the club draws in members is through connecting with other clubs like the Jewish Student Union (JSU).
“I heard about IAC last year in the JSU which is a separate club I’m in,” Says Borg.
According to Orloff, the Israel Advocacy club varies from clubs such as the JSU because it talks more about political issues.
“(Israel Advocacy club) is about advocating for Israel and talking to politicians about what we can do at school because we are very far away from Israel, but there’s a lot we can do to educate people and tell them what’s going on there (Israel) is far, but also really close to home for some people too,” Orloff said.
Borg said one of the upcoming events includes having two Israeli soldiers talk about their experiences to club members.
“I’m excited for an event we have where two Israeli soldiers (are) coming in. One (soilder) who’s known currently as a civil rights lawyer in Israel and one who grew up in columbia and had to flee when there was an uprising (will speak at the meeting), so his story’s really interesting,” Borg said. “So I’m really excited for that event,” Borg said.
According to Borg, the next meeting will be Oct. 25 in room C361.