Football preps for Homecoming game
Park hopes to bring home first win of the season
Senior, Brendon Johnson-Snyder tackles junior, Alex knoll in their third game of the season on Sept. 14th in against Holy Angels in Richfeild. Park lost 7-28 and their next game will be
September 20, 2018
In the week leading up to Park’s homecoming game against Richfield, senior Jake Olson said the team’s strong focus on bringing home a win has been leading to successful practices.
“We’ve increased the intensity this week and have had good practices,” Olson said. “We’ve stayed focused and have ignored all of the events going on this week.”
Olson said that their smaller team of players has given them a tight bond that can be rewarding throughout the season.
“We’ve come together as a team and the players have really supported each other. We don’t depend on anybody else besides this small group of tough players,” Olson said. “As long as we stick together, do our jobs and trust in each other, we will be fine.”
Junior Jacob Brown said to prepare for their game, they’ve been focused on beating Richfield specifically, and want to win for a second season in a row.
“We’ve been just been watching film on Richfield, preparing through walk through a, practices, looking at their speed,” Brown said. “We beat them at their home turf(last season) so that’s always good, we definitely want to continue and beat them at Homecoming.”
Coach Rob Griffin said the pressures of winning the Homecoming game and persisting with a good attitude after two losses will contribute to a successful Homecoming game.
“I feel like this week of practice so far, they’ve had a better attitude than they’ve had all season so far. I’m excited about the pride we’ll put on the field come Friday,” Griffin said.
“It’s been a while since we’ve been able to give our fans and alumni a win on homecoming night. So I think those things, along with the seniors wanting to go out in their last homecoming with a win has kept us prepared for that this year,” Griffin said.
The Homecoming game will be at 7 p.m. Sept. 21 at the stadium against Richfield.