Chamber orchestra prepares for concert
Students to perform for community church
Sophomore Isabel Gredler rehearses with her fellow chamber orchestra members for their upcoming concert. The ensemble will be performing after the 9 a.m. service on Dec. 16 at Wayzata Community Church.
December 16, 2018
Orchestra director Kou Lee said chamber orchestra is preparing for their upcoming concert by rehearsing their pieces alongside their regular classmates.
“We’re sight reading some of the pieces in class this week and that serves the chamber but also the whole orchestra,” Lee said.
According to Lee, chamber orchestra prepares for their performances in a number of different ways.
“We do two rehearsals a week in the morning,” Lee said. “We just did a field trip. We went out to the community and played last Thursday and I guess that was one way of preparing.”
Sophomore cellist Isabel Gredler said the limited practice time the group has had could pose a challenge during the performance.
“Not enough time to practice (is our biggest challenge) because we only rehearse two times a week,” Gredler said.
According to Lee, the concert on Sunday, Dec. 16 is for the benefit of the members of the Wayzata Community Church.
“We’re playing at Wayzata Community Church,” Lee said. “The reason that we play for them is in March they do a rock concert with us and that’s probably the biggest fundraiser that we do every two years.”
According to second-year chamber member Gredler, this performance has been a successful tradition in past years.
“(Last year’s performance) was really good,” Gredler said. “I think the people who listened liked it and we thought it went really well.”
Gredler said the concert isn’t as formal as those the entire orchestra puts on throughout the year.
“(The concert) is at the church in the lobby and people listen as they come out of church,” Gredler said. “We have to dress pretty formal, but it’s not in a really formal place where everybody’s quiet and listening.”
According to Lee, this performance is important in maintaining the relationship between the church and the orchestra.
“Our performance for Wayzata Community Church that day is giving something back to them to show (our) appreciation,” Lee said.
The chamber orchestra concert will be after the 9 a.m. service, Dec. 16 at Wayzata Community Church, according to Lee.