Lorentz returns to State
Captain reflects on tennis career
Senior Natalie Lorentz competes at the tennis State tournament Oct. 27. She won her first match, but lost in the quarterfinal, ending her high school career.
November 10, 2016
As senior captain Natalie Lorentz reflects on her competition in the State tournament, she remains proud of her accomplishment despite her upset in the quarterfinal.
Lorentz said during her first match, she felt confident in her play, which secured her the win over Rochester Mayo’s sophomore Emma Trncic.
“During the first match I felt good about how I was playing. My strokes were on and that made me really confident,” Lorentz said.
Lorentz lost her second match 0-2. She said once play started she became unfamiliar with St. PaulCentral’s Zoe Klass-Warch’s style.
“Going into the match I was super pumped and excited because of my seed,” Lorentz said. “Once we started playing, she started lobing the ball, which is something I’m not used to.”
Coach David Breitenbucher said success at State would be difficult but not impossible.
“I was confident (Lorentz) could get through her first round in State, but after that I knew it would be tough.”
Lorentz said she hoped to play longer, but was happy about her undefeated title in the regular season.
“I am kind of disappointed how my season ended, but I am thankful to have been apart of the team for so long and have their support,” Lorentz said.
Breitenbucher said he feels proud of Lorentz’s performance at State and throughout her six years on the team.
“(Lorentz) started out as a shy, timid seventh grader and has turned into a confident, strong senior that has improved not only her tennis game but the mental part of it, too.”