Science teacher coaches Nordic for the first time

Pat Hartman provides knowledge for team

Ayelet Prottas

Nordic skiing coach Patrick Hartman helps instruct athletes on how to wax their skis while practicing Dec. 16 at the Theodore Wirth Park Ski Trails. Waxing skis helps to keep skis in prime condition as well as improve smooth skiing on the course.

Maria Perez Barriga

Excited to have science teacher Pat Hartman coach Nordic, junior Ivy Houts said having an additional coach for the team has made a positive impact on Nordic. 

“It’s really helpful to have another coach, especially one that knows what he is doing and (can) help new skiers. He is a great addition to the team,” Houts said. 

According to Hartman, he chose to coach this year due to living nearer to the high school and practice sites held for Nordic. 

“I skied for a really long time and I have thought about (coaching Nordic) for a number of years but I moved closer to school this year,” Hartman said. “I am pretty close to (Theodore) Wirth Park which is where we usually practice so it was good timing for me this year.”

Hartman said he has enjoyed teaching and has noticed the positive attitudes displayed by the team. 

“(Coaching Nordic) has been a lot of fun. (There are) really great kids on the team, they’re real positive, real supportive of each other,” Hartman said.  

Sophomore Ada Turman said having Hartman as a coach has helped her out with skiing since it’s her first year on Nordic. 

“(Hartman) is giving me a lot of tips on how to ski which is very helpful because I am learning how to do it,” Turman said.

According to Hartman, due to this being his first time coaching Nordic, he hopes to not only provide his knowledge to the team, but also attain new information along the way. 

“I have never really organized a Nordic team before. I have seen a lot so I know I have a lot to share, but I will have to learn too,” Hartman said. 

Houts said she looks forward to what Hartman has to give to Nordic and believes he will have a positive impact on the team.  

“(I am looking forward to) learning what he has to teach and having him, and he is a really good person, he is a great coach,” Houts said. 

Hartman said Nordic provides a range of competitiveness within the team.

“(Coaching Nordic) is great, there is a mix of kids who are really competitive and then there are some who are just still learning if they want to take it a step further. It’s a lifetime sport that kids can do,” Hartman said.