Boys’ hockey ties first game of the season against rival Edina

Final score of 4-4

Anna Benishek

Senior Jack Wandmacher tries to skate pass Edina’s senior defenseman Owen Davis. Park tied 4-4 with Edina.

Emmy Pearson, Design Editor

It’s the last period of the game with a few seconds left, Park leads 4-3. Edina intercepts the puck, skates up the ice and scores on Park with 20 seconds left, tying the game. 

According to assistant coach Brent Cornelius, he felt confident in the team’s abilities and proud of its overall collaboration.

“Besides the last goal (to tie the game), I thought we played very well. We came from behind and we also stuck together. We stayed as a team and played through thick and thin,” Cornelius said.

Junior Michael Hoikka said although nerves were high, being the first game of the season against Edina, it was exciting to be back on the ice.

“Excited obviously, but a little nervous cause it was my first varsity game. Playing Edina is a big deal too,” Hoikka said.

Cornelius said he also recognized the team’s anxiety, but ultimately its positive attitude and perseverance to win, given the high-pressure situation.

“Nerves of steel I think these guys got,” Cornelius said. “They were nervous, but they turned it into positive energy on the ice and actually turned them into scoring opportunities and played strong.”

Freshman Josh Middleton expressed the team was prepared for a tough battle but was accepting of the outcome.

“We expected this; I mean a tie isn’t what we wanted but it’s better than losing,” Middleton said. 

Hoikka said the team had been playing hard the entire game and it aims to continue that effort until the last buzzer.

“We kind of gave up at the end. We were just really tired and exhausted and we can improve by finishing strong toward the end,” Hoikka said.

The next boys’ hockey game is at 12 p.m. Jan. 16 against Chaska at the Chaska Community Center.