Park swim captain is Colorado College commit
Senior Miles Nordling commits for swimming
January 6, 2023
Why and when did you start swimming?My first lesson was when I was six months old, so I’ve been swimming forever, really. And then I’ve been swimming competitively for about eight years. Originally, it was just to get in shape, but I’ve always loved the water. So that’s really the main reason I’ve stayed swimming.
What has your experience been like swimming for Park?
I’ve really liked swimming for the high school, it’s very different from a club team. I really enjoy building personal connections on the high school teams. We just have a lot of fun. Personally, I feel like I’ve contributed over the last six years on the high school team by being someone that’s just very familiar with how things work and helping out new people. That’s been a big part of my high school career for sure.
Do you have a favorite memory from your swimming career?
I really enjoy going to the bigger meets, like state and section meets. I think those are the most fun of the year. Any big meet is always a lot of fun.
Do you have any advice for newer swimmers or people interested in the program?
I’d recommend the program for anybody. We have anybody, from people who have never swam before, to people that are very into swimming on the team. So it’s really a great place for anybody to go. It’s a sport that really anybody can do without prior experience. So we love to take new people. And it’s a great sport for people who haven’t played a sport in the past.
How do you feel your last six years at Park have helped you progress?
The last six years have helped me become much less nervous about swimming. I remember when I was very young, I had a very hard time being excited for meets, and I would just be kind of a wreck. Now that I’m older, and I’ve been on the team for so long, I’m very comfortable around the pool. The swim program has definitely helped me with that confidence.
What are your plans for pursuing swimming after high school?
I just committed to Colorado College to swim, so I’m very excited to swim for the next four years. I’m looking to swim for the NCAA for D3 eventually, but that’s gonna take a lot more work. I’m very excited to put in that work over the next four years
What is your favorite event or race and why?
Well, it’s changed. It used to be the 100m breaststroke but I think my favorite race right now is the 200m freestyle. I really enjoy it because the 200 is enough distance where you really have to hone in your craft and be good at what you do to be able to maintain serious speed over that distance. So it’s a really hard event.
Is there anything else you want to tell people about the swimming program?
If you’re interested in it, reach out to one of us. We’re all very friendly. It’s a very friendly team and we’d love to have new people, so anybody out there that wants to join the swim team or is thinking about swimming, please reach out.