Girls’ swimming crawls towards conference champs
Team focuses on their swimming to take the Conference Champs title back from Benilde-St. Margarets
They might have lost the conference championship to Benilde-St. Margarets last year, but the girls swim team plans on working harder than ever to earn it back.
Last season, the team defeated every school in the North Suburban conference except Benilde, who beat Park by a small margin. This year, the team expects to beat Benilde and reclaim their conference champion title.
Girls’ swimming captains are juniors Noa Grossman and Meagan Hein, two unusually young swimmers who have been swimming with the team since seventh grade.
Joe Yaeger, the new head coach, said he trusts the captains to guide the rest of the team.
“They’re leaders. I can count on them to get things done,” Yaeger said. “The girls really look up to [Grossman and Hein].”
The varsity team beat Benilde St. Margaret four consecutive years until their streak broke last year. This is the last year that Benilde is in the North Suburban Conference, and it is Park’s last year to take back the title.
Junior Emmi Zheng is a fifth year Park swimming veteran.
“Ever since I’ve been on the team, St. Louis Park and Benilde have been the two fastest teams in the conference,” she said. “It’s a natural rivalry.”
Sophomore swimmer Sari Hattis said she is looking forward to the Benilde meet.
“I’ll do anything to beat Benilde,” Hattis said. “I’ll swim faster than ever, and I know the rest of my team will too. It’s so important and great to know that we all do our best to win.”

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