Girls’ cross country top runner

Josie Mosby beats personal record

Isabel Kjaer

Freshman Josie Mosby runs with two competitors in the Griak race, Sept. 29. Mosby placed first individually and the team placed first overall.

Tamar Gewirtz and Talia Lissauer

Current freshman, Josie Mosby said she has been on the varsity cross country team for the past two years. Last year she made it to state, a huge accomplishment for her and her entire team, according to Mosby.

Mosby said her time was 19.09.2, her fastest time on University of Minnesota Les Bolstad golf course.

According to varsity cross country coach, Chris Nordstrom, it is great to have a runner as young as Mosby qualify for state. Nordstrom said her hard work has continued to pay off.

Josie had a great year last year. To have an eighth grader to qualify for state is something special,” Nordstrom said. “I know she has put in a lot of work since then and continues to improve,” Nordstrom said.

Mosby said it was great to win the run as a single runner but even better to also win the meet as a team.

“It felt really good to win the Griak title, especially because as a team we also won, so to know that I contributed to my team was cool,” Mosby said.

Mosby said the win can be credited to the whole team, as everyone has a role to play.

“This season is definitely better than last season because our team is really good as well is the chemistry,” Mosby said. “AAs a whole we’re all super close which helps a lot.”

Nordstrom said the team works towards placing and improving together, instead of placing individually.

“We really try and focus on our conference meet and placing well as a team, after that we focus more on individuals and chances to qualify for state,” Nordstrom said.

As the season goes on, Mosby said she continues to work her hardest with support from her teammates and coach, she is hoping to make it to state again.