Football ends season with loss against Robbinsdale Cooper

Team reflects on season, prepares for next year

Maddie Schutte and Kate Schneider

After finishing out the season with a 49-14 loss against Robbinsdale Cooper, senior Adam Bauer said creating a better team bond early in the season would have helped the team to play better.

“We had a rough start to the season because we didn’t come together as a team until mid-season. If you can establish that bond early, then it’ll go really well,” Bauer said.

According to assistant defensive line coach Rob Griffin, ending the season, is hard on the team’s morale, especially on such a low note.

“It’s tough ending the season at any point in time because you spend so much time together as a team, that when you know it’s over and you know that guys will not return because they are seniors, it’s tough,” Griffin said.

Sophomore Evan Nelson said the team could’ve been more humble in order to play better in the last half of their season.

“We did decent in the beginning. We won two games and then we lost four in a row. We just got cocky and said that we would be able to beat the teams without trying. We didn’t give it 100 percent.” Nelson said.

According to Bauer, ending the season with the loss against Robbinsdale Cooper was not ideal.

“We did not want it to end there, the last three games before that we were doing really well. If we could’ve played a little better that game I would have said we ended on a good note. We never want to end like that,” Bauer said.

According to Bauer, in order to prepare they reflected back on last year’s successful game against Cooper.

“We were kind of reminiscing on last year’s Cooper game because of how crazy that was, and we thought we had good preparation, but when the time came it didn’t go our way,” Bauer said.

Griffin said that he is looking forward to next season and the up and coming talent.

“I feel like we have a strong group that is returning, especially for their senior year as well as some young talent that I think will be able to help us win more football games next year as well as our schedule,” Griffin said.

The 2018 football season ended with an overall 5-5 record.
To end the season, Park lost in the Sections Quarterfinals to Robbinsdale Cooper 7-35.