Park loses to Chanhassen

Girls’ swim team defeated 35-57

Emmy Pearson

Senior Hattie Kugler competes in the breaststroke with a time of 1.09 minutes Oct. 3. Park lost to Chanhassen High School 35-37.

Tamar Gewirtz

According to junior Elie Grassley, the girls’ swim team swam well and had fun despite losing 35-57 to Chanhassen Oct. 3.

“It went really well overall. We were all cheering a lot and everyone had really good times and swam really well and tried their hardest,” said Grassley.

Senior captain Hattie Kugler agreed they swam well and thought winning was not the most important thing of the meet.

“One of the downsides of this meet was we lost, but at the same time it’s not really all about winning or losing with this team. It’s just if we’re all together, then it’s a good meet,” Kugler said.

Grassley thought one obstacle in their way was the mood prior to the meet.

“Chanhassen is a very good team and we didn’t expect to win,” Grassley said. “So I think that was kind of a damper on the mood.”

Kugler said they prepared for the meet by working together and doing team activities.

“As a team we all have really just come together in the past few weeks, talking a lot and getting people to come in to talk about team dynamics and how to really work together as a team.”

Girls’ swim coach Amanda Forsberg thought one of the girls stood out but one challenge was that the practices had worn them out.

“I thought Franny’s 100 fly was especially good, I was really impressed with that,” Forsberg said. “We’re really tired right now because we’ve been putting in a lot of work, so we’re just a little bit off on our other times.”

Kugler said everyone was positive and encouraging toward each other which made the experience better.

“As a whole, it went pretty well just due to the positivity of everybody but also everybody just coming together,” Kugler said. “And the coaches giving good feedback to us and letting us know what we need to do for next time.”

The next girls swim meet is against Bloomington Kennedy at 6 p.m. Oct. 8 at Oak Grove Middle School, according to