Ultimate team founders leave the field
The current seniors who started the team are playing in their final year
Senior Jonah Resnick completes a pass to senior Cole Bacig during Park’s game against Mahtomedi. Crush won 15-4 at Walker Park April 23.
April 30, 2014
With the loss of more than half of the current roster for next year, the team looks for other methods to compensate for the departure of many talented players according to Coach Charlie Landis.
Landis said he has a lot of experience with the seniors and noticed a lot of improvement and growth within the team over the years.
“The first year our team was really small and a lot of guys were new to the sport so we had to start from scratch,” Landis said. “The guys on this team are really smart so they were able to catch on very quickly since ultimate frisbee is a hard sport to learn.”
Senior Andy Haroldson, who helped build the team during its first year, said he’s going to miss the team he built, and he is excited for his last year on the team.
“This last year is bittersweet. We’ve had the same group of people from sophomores to seniors. It’s cool seeing some younger guys get involved and seeing how much everyone has grown over the years,” Haroldson said. “Next year will be a huge loss of the team, so they need to go in strong next year.”
Haroldson said his first year on the team was hard because they had to create a group that would be determined enough to want to play the sport.
“We set up everything from scratch, it’s fun seeing how you can build something if you have a group of people that want to do it,” Haroldson said.
Junior Aren Rosholt has been on the team for the past two years. He said he hopes the team grows without the seniors who started it.
“I think the team will continue on since the freshmen are learning now and they are getting a grasp of what is going on,” Rosholt said.
Freshman Jacob Raatz said he is enjoying his first year on the team but worries there may not be a team next year.
“The loss of seniors is going to affect the team a lot because more than 50 percent of the team is seniors,” Raatz said. “If we have a good turnout of underclassmen next year, we can certainly keep the team running as it has been in the past years.”
Orange Crush will play next at the fourth annual Geoke Memorial Ultimate Frisbee Tournament in Apple Valley May 3 and 4.