Trap team keeps eyes on State competition

Members focus on practicing shooting, improving

Genesis Buckhalton

Senior Luke Cichoski and his father trek through the grass, looking for the right spot to shoot trap, giving Cichoski a chance to practice for the trap season.

Cichoski said he looks forward to guiding the team as a captain this year.

“I’m glad that I will be able to lead the guys in all the different routines,” Cichoski said. “I don’t feel too much pressure because it’s such a relaxed sport.”

Trap team coach Richard Plantz said he plans to reach the State competition this year.

“We have practice weeks, competition weeks and then State tournament competition,” Plantz said. “If we score high enough we’ll go onto the State competition, which is the finals.”

Without the competitiveness of other sports, Cichoski said trap is very laid-back.

“You get to go shoot, have a good time, hang out with friends and eat food,” Cichoski said.

Plantz said the trap team is split up into two sports: trapshooting and skeet shooting.

“Trapshooting is when you have the clay pigeons that are thrown straight out in front of you and you try to hit them,” Plantz said. “In skeet shooting, the clay targets are going to zig-zag in front of you.”

Cichoski said joining the trap team will teach students how to use a gun, which is a valuable skill.

“Whether you are ever going to use it or not, learning how to shoot a gun and knowing how to be accurate with it is a good skill to have,” Cichoski said.

Junior Caley Anderson said even though the trap team doesn’t interest her, it attracts students who have gone shooting all their lives.

“Some families like to shoot guns, so their kids like to shoot guns because it is something they grew up doing,” Anderson said.

Plantz said the members enjoy being on the team because they like the sport.

“Most of my members enjoy the sport of shooting and it gives them the opportunity to do that,” Plantz said. “You also get to be a part of a team, compete as a team or even compete against yourself.”

Anderson said the trap team continues to act as a great way to learn about guns.
“It’s seems like a great way to learn how to shoot guns,” Anderson said. “It is also a great opportunity for people to shoot guns, legally.”