Synchro team washes hair in sinks
Swimmers work around construction
Junior Ava Tronson performs her ballet leg in front of a panel of judges at a figure meet March 21.
April 23, 2019
As sophomore Maya Lee transitions from practice to school in the mornings, she said the construction poses a challenge for swimmers looking to shower before school.
“We don’t have a locker room, so after all of our practices we have to either get dressed in a bathroom and get ready there or also for our practices — we have to be practicing at the middle school and at central — so we don’t have a place to keep our stuff,” Lee said.
According to Lee, after morning practices at the high school, swimmers who live farther away will shower in the sinks.
“We have one bathroom that we use Monday and Wednesday mornings when we’re at the high school,” Lee said. “We use the bathroom near the fieldhouse, and there’s not really much room in there, so some people, if their houses are nearby, they’ll go home to change and get ready after practice, but the people who don’t live nearby kind of cramp ourselves in there and shower in the sink.”
Junior Tjessa Arradondo said she looks forward for next year, when the team will have locker rooms to use.
“I’m just really excited for the locker rooms to be open again, and for them to be updated and clean,” Arradondo said.
Arradondo said the number of people who need to use the bathrooms makes the situation more challenging.
“We have our giant synchro bags. It can be a hassle to make for other people to do their things. Moving around can get hard, because there’s only a certain amount of sinks that people can get to in a certain amount of time, so that can make it stressful,” Arradondo said.
Lee said she prepares for the different accommodations accordingly.
“Usually I’ll bring a little bit of leave-in conditioner, and then I just wash my face in the sink and I’ll get my hair wet in the sink and then just get ready like that. We try to make the most of our situation, but it’s difficult,” Lee said.