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Section win slips away

Park loses section matches against Benilde
Junior Josh Fink prepares to serve the ball May 14. Fink ended up losing his match against Benilde St. Margaret’s at sections.
Junior Josh Fink prepares to serve the ball May 14. Fink ended up losing his match against Benilde St. Margaret’s at sections.

Park’s boys’ tennis team faced Benilde for their section match on May 14. Both teams fought valiantly for the win. After a series of very close matches, Park ultimately failed to pull off the win in a blowout 1-6 loss.

Junior Crew Lund said next year he hopes to build on his technical skills and the returning aspect of tennis.

“I’d like to improve on my backhand and hitting more confidently with it, and probably better returns,” Lund said.

According to junior Isaac Joseph, something he’d like to better is his backhand hit and not giving up towards the end of matches.

“I’d like to improve on my backhand hitting and when I’m down in the game making sure to come back and clear my head,” Joseph said.

Head coach Gregory Holmbeck said he would like the team to improve next year by staying consistent and becoming stronger all around players.

“I want to keep working on what we have been working on, and bettering ourselves technically, strategically and mentally,” Holmbeck said.

According to Lund, the team he enjoyed playing the most this season was either Bloomington or Jefferson because of the good competition.

“My favorite team to go against was Bloomington or Jefferson because it’s probably the best tennis we played all year,” Lund said.

Joseph said the team he enjoyed competing against the most was Benilde, due to the fact that both teams were evenly matched.

“My favorite team to go against was Benilde because everyone had really good matchups and had really close games,” Joseph said.

According to Holmbeck, he feels his team competed excellently this year, but what he is most proud of is how the team presents itself.

“My team competed fantastically this year and we were complimented on how we conducted ourselves at games,” Holmbeck said. “That’s what I’m most proud of.”

Lund said the team competed well this year and had a lot of individual and group improvement.

“We did really well. Everyone got better through the season and we got better as a team,” Lund said.

Joseph said the team competed well, and there were huge developments as a team and there is more to come next year.

“We competed well. Everyone got a lot better this year, and we will be much better next year,” Joseph said.

According to Holmbeck, the thing he is looking forward to most in the next tennis season is bettering the team and playing the most tennis possible.

“The thing I am most excited for next year is playing as much tennis as possible and continuing to improve,” Holmbeck said.
A handful of members on the tennis team will compete in the individual section matches at 11 a.m. May 22 at Blake School Hopkins campus.

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