Girls’ gymnastics ends season

Junior varsity finishes their season, varsity moves onto sections

Emily Tifft

Jamie Halper

After varsity gymnast and senior Hannah Holmquist built up her confidence to do her new beam routine and nailed it at her last meet, her whole team cheered because they knew she spent all season practicing.

The girls’ gymnastics team competed in its last meet against Hopkins on Thurs. Jan. 29 before varsity goes to sections.

Head coach Gretchen Novak said the meet was a non-conference dual meet with a final score of 121-125, Park losing.

“They did not compete the best that they have done all season. It was about five points lower than their best score,” Novak said.

Varsity gymnast and junior Mellissa Clarke said they tried their hardest but ended up with an unfortunate outcome.

“I would say it wasn’t our best meet but it wasn’t our worst meet,” Clarke said. “We could have done so much better because from the past two or three meets as a team we have scored much higher than this meet.”

Novak said senior Hannah Holmquist and sophomore Kelsey Knudsen stood out at the meet and exceeded her expectations with their high scores on vault.

According to Novak, junior varsity has finished its season because of its new conference not having a JV conference meet. Varsity will move onto sections Feb. 14.

Clarke said varsity will begin their preparations for sections right away to ensure good results.

“Our next step will just be to get ready for our sections meet so it is better than our last one,” Clarke said. “And to show the other sections teams that we have grown as a program because we haven’t always been the strongest in sections but I think this year we have really come far.”

Novak said the team has worked hard all season and it shows through their previous competition scores.

“The season has been excellent, we had a really nice year,” Novak said. “They have gotten their highest scores and continued to build from the beginning of the year.”