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The student news site of St. Louis Park High School

The Echo

The student news site of St. Louis Park High School

The Echo

The student news site of St. Louis Park High School

The Echo

Chauvin verdict is a big step towards more victories

Chauvin verdict is a big step towards more victories

Gillian Kapinos May 1, 2021

After almost a year of protests, riots and trauma, people can finally say George Floyd was murdered, and that he has finally received justice. Former Minneapolis police officer Derek Chauvin was found...

People gather at George Floyd square paying respects and celebrating after former police officer Derek Chauvin verdict. Chauvin was found guilty for the murder of George Floyd and was convicted on all three charges brought against him.

Verdict brings relief, hope

Andrea Melear and Jacob Khabie April 22, 2021

Sitting on the bus on her way home from school, sophomore Saynab Mohamed didn’t know what to expect as she listened to the verdict of Derek Chauvin being announced. Mohamed said she didn’t have her...

Protesters hold up a "justice for George" sign at a protest June 4. Former police officer Derek Chauvin is being charged for the murder of St. Louis Park resident George Floyd.

Derek Chauvin trial begins

Jacob Khabie March 10, 2021

Attempting to put her emotions aside in fear of being let down later on, senior Grace Kanyinku prepares herself for the trial of Derek Chauvin. “Until I see the result of (the trial), I don’t really...

A woman takes part in a protest May 26 on Chicago Avenue, holding a sign reading, “George Floyd was murdered.” Floyd died May 25 after being detained and choked by four Minneapolis police officers, sparking citywide protests.

Unjustified murders need to be put to an end

Tobias Khabie May 28, 2020

When I first heard about the murder of George Floyd by Minneapolis Police May 25, I was saddened and ashamed to hear that this horrific event occurred in Minneapolis. However, I was always one of the people...

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Derek Chauvin