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The student news site of St. Louis Park High School

The Echo

The student news site of St. Louis Park High School

The Echo

The student news site of St. Louis Park High School

The Echo

Lieutenant Governor and Park graduate Peggy Flanagan speaks to sophomore Honors English students Dec. 13. The discussion focused on Flanagan's experiences and her connection to both Park and the Indigenous community.

Lieutenant Governor sparks Park

Alicia Mainjeni December 14, 2023

Lieutenant Governor of Minnesota, Peggy Flanagan, spoke to 10th grade students about her lived experience and upbringing as an Indigenous person on Dec. 13. Flanagan facilitated a discussion with English...

Senior Stayci Spates speaks out against racism Feb. 14. SOAR had their first meeting Tuesday after having their last meeting canceled.

SOAR discusses the killing of Tyre Nichols

Johanna Kaplan and Serena Bovee February 16, 2023

Following the beating and subsequent death of Tyre Nichols by Memphis policemen, Students Organized Against Racism (SOAR) hosted a space for discussion Feb. 14. Sophomore Anisa Kahin, who led the meeting,...

Used with permission from Hanna Anderson.

Spanish teacher brings new voices into curriculum

Jacob Khabie December 23, 2020

Spanish teacher Hanna Anderson said when she heard the International Baccalaureate Spanish curriculum was changing, she knew she had to take advantage of the opportunity. “I've been meaning to change...

Senior Jordyn Turek and sophomore Amal Abdi attend the District Student Advisory Council held Jan. 16.

Superintendent meets with Student Advisory Council

Ryan Barnett January 23, 2020

After attending Superintendent Astein Osei’s District Student Advisory Council meeting Jan. 16, senior Jordyn Turek said she was happy with the outcome of the discussion. “The meeting went really...

City Council member 
Nadia Mohamed tells a story about her experiences with race Jan. 15. City Council members and senior Amaya Fokuo spoke to students at Talmud Torah of Minneapolis about Martin Luther King Jr. and his relationship with Jewish leaders.

Talmud Torah hosts commemoration of Martin Luther King Jr. Day 

Marta Hill and Talia Lissauer January 16, 2020

After speaking to families at a Jewish commemoration of Martin Luther King Jr. Day, chairman of the Human Rights Commission and senior Amaya Fokuo said she was invited to speak to share her views on youth...

Sophmore Kendrick Ross Jr.  reflects on his experiences with race and identity while his peers listen intently at the Students Organized for Anti-Racism event Nov. 25. Senior Amaya Foku leads the conversation throughout the meeting.

SOAR initiates discussion

Maria Perez Barriga and Gabriel Kaplan November 27, 2019

As freshman Sharon Lunasilva reflects upon the in-school Students Organized for Anti-Racism event, she said she hasn’t always felt comfortable discussing race in school, but the event gave her the opportunity...

Senior Lauren Schmelzer collaborates with fellow Intersectional Feminism Club members. She shares her thoughts regarding the gender wage gap.

Intersectional Feminism Club hopes to inspire society

Lilly Strathman and Grace Schultz November 26, 2019

After discussing problems with the wage gap during the Intersectional Feminism Club meeting Nov. 21, senior and club leader Ally Feller said she thinks talking about these issues will help fix them in...

Freshman Laniyah Thorn ton expresses her anger regarding the use of homophobic and gender-based insults around school during the Intersectional Feminism Club meeting Oct. 24

Intersectional Feminism Club talks vocabulary

Sofia Seewald, Maddie Schutte, and Emma Leff October 25, 2019

After discussing the sexist connotations behind profanity in the Intersectional Feminism Club meeting Oct. 24, freshman and club member Laniyah Thornton said she wants to become more conscientious about...

Juniors Izzy Kanne and Zoe Younger participate in a community discussion led by the Community Education Advisory Council Oct. 11 at the Rec Center. As members of SOAR, they attended this event to discuss racial issues in St. Louis Park.

SOAR kicks off year by attending community panel

Sofia Seewald and Maggie Klaers October 13, 2018

As a member of the Students Organized Against Racism club, junior Amaya Fokuo said she was impressed by the community discussion held at the Rec Center Oct. 11, as it brought awareness to important racial...

Book club members discuss "Feed" and their next book "All The Right Places" in preparation for their next meeting on Jan. 30.

Book Club reads dystopian novel

Alexis Machoka January 17, 2018

When picking out the book for this month’s Book Club meeting, club adviser Ellen George said many factors determine which book the club will read. “Picking the books is pretty much recommendations,...

Co-presidents and Seniors Eli Curran-Moore and Ryan Lee formed the club early this year and recently passed on the torch to junior Cailey Hansen-Mahoney.

Socio-Political club president looks to expand group

Avia Kaner-Roth and Esther Gendler December 13, 2017

Senior Ryan Lee, co-founder and co-president of the Socio-Political Discussion Club, said his interest in politics pushed his decision to start a club that embodied student discussion. “I’m interested...

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