Softball and soccer player wins Influence Award

Junior continues to make a difference in her community

Used with written permission from Anya Lindell-Paulson.

Genesis Buckhalton

Fellowship of Christian Athletes club member junior Anya Lindell-Paulson said she was astonished and happy to receive the Influence Award, given to someone who shows their faith in Christ.

“The influence award is when your Fellowship of Christian Athletes (FCA) coach nominates you because of your faith in Jesus and your platform as a leader to influence others for the cause of Christ,” Lindell-Paulson said.

Club adviser Tim Sension said a student nominated for the award should be dedicated to their faith.

“What the people who choose the nominees are looking for is good leadership, students who on an everyday basis are showing their Christianity and just live out their faith,” Sension said.Screen Shot 2016-04-29 at 4.10.06 PM

Lindell-Paulson said it felt satisfying receiving the award because it helped her notice the
changes she makes in the community.

“I don’t really like attention, but it was nice hearing that I’m making a difference,” Lindell-Paulson said. “I want to help other people whenever I can, so the award was a nice way to see that I am succeeding in that.”

Sension said the award shows Lindell-Paulson’s strength of character in all aspects of her life.

“I think it is great that she was nominated,” Sension said. “Anya is really influential in the sports she plays and it just says a lot about her.”

In comparison to other West Metro FCA members, Lindell-Paulson said she was surprised to receive the award.

“I thought someone else would get it, because I always feel like other people are making more of an impact than me,” Paulson said.

Sension said he nominated Lindell-Paulson for the award because of her well-rounded leadership skills in her activities.

“She and Hannah Ellingson have been the most consistent in showing up at all of our meetings and she has been great in leadership roles,” Sension said. “The impact she has on her teams has been huge.”

The next FCA meeting will take place at 8 a.m. May 3 in the old gym.