Park Spark hopes to gain popularity
Satirical publication looks to election season as inspiration
November 7, 2016

Senior Editor-in-Chief Ilana Weinstein brainstorms ideas for the Park Spark. The Park Spark meets Tuesdays in the Learning Lab.
With all the political action happening right now, Park Spark Editor-in-Chief senior Ilana Weinstein said she feels excited about what is in store in the near future for the local satirical publication.
“With the election season going on, satire writers just love that. We have a lot of material to work with right now, both within our community and in the broader, global situation,” Weinstein said.
William Tanberg, the publication’s adviser, said he hopes to present this material in newer ways, so that Park Spark followers find it most interesting.
“(We) would like to do more podcasts,” Tanberg said. “(It is) a popular medium right now.”
Weinstein, who took charge as Chief in February of 2016, said she feels conflicting schedules of the Park Spark’s staff has held back the publication’s ability to meet and put out content.
“It has just been kind of slow getting started just because it has been hard to meet consistently,” Weinstein said. “Now that we are able to get back into a regular schedule, we are hoping to produce [content] more regularly.”
In addition, Tanberg said he enjoys being a part of a satirical publication, and is very pleased with the students in it.
“I am impressed every time we meet by the creativity of the students. It is just fun. They do an amazing job,” Tanberg said.
The club meets every Tuesday after school in the Learning Lab, and Weinstein said all who are interested can check it out.