Boys’ Golf prepares for season despite weather
Team remains optimistic for match play
Freshman Charlie Harper holds his follow through after teeing off on the first hole. The team’s next match takes place at 10 a.m. on May 31 at Sand Greek Golf Club for the section championships.
April 12, 2018
While the weather conditions are not ideal for hitting the links, the boys’ golf team is still working to prepare for upcoming matches, according to head coach Mike Okey.
“We only have four days of practice in at the golf dome and will finish the week there. Then spend four days at indoor golf simulators (at Lifetime) next week,” Okey said.
Okey said that despite being able to practice indoors at domes and with simulators, the team is unsure of when they will be able to play matches outside.
“No idea on the first match. We are completely dependent on the weather and if you take a peek out your window, you’ll see conditions aren’t prime for golf at the moment. I would guess we are at least two to three weeks out from any matches,” Okey said.
Senior captain Billy Nicholls said that even with the weather delayed season, he still expecting full participation from the team. Nicholls said that in his second year as captain, he is focusing on outlining expectations for the team, and for himself.
“My responsibilities are running captain’s practices prior to the year, making sure everyone is keeping up attendance and grades and trying to improve the overall attitude of the team,” Nicholls said.
Okey said the weather has impacted the coaches’ ability to evaluate players to start outlining a varsity and junior varsity roster. He said that just like the delay in match play, the team’s ability to hold true tryouts on a course has been impacted by the snow.
“We typically play two to three rounds so the coaches can get a look at all of the kids and see what kind of skill set each player possesses,” Okey said.
Okey said that the leadership and experience of returning seniors as an example for younger players to follow. He also expressed hope that an open competition for Varsity will create a competitive edge for the team.
“I feel we have a very strong team this year. I envision the final two varsity spots being a rotation of three to four guys, but would love if any of them stepped up and solidified their spot on Varsity with consistent golf and great work ethic.
The team, however, remains optimistic for the season ahead despite challenges to scheduling and the delayed start to the season, according to Nicholls. He also said he has high hopes for how they will perform in matches with a combination of experienced and new players.
“Our team should be very competitive this year with Conor (Schubring) making state last year, and myself and Otis (Walvatne) returning,” Nicholls said. “I’m feeling really good and excited for what’s to come.”