Parkway Pizza to open in May
New restaurant to replace old Beek’s Pizza location
Parkway Pizza advertizes its new location. Parkway Pizza will open in May.
Sophomore Evelyn Nelson said she is sad to see Beek’s go, but also curious to see how Parkway Pizza will affect the surrounding area.
“It really is sad. It was really nice to have the Beek’s there because you could just go there if you had a show or a dance you were going to,” Nelson said. “It was nice to have somewhere that was nearby to eat. So maybe Parkway Pizza will have that same effect.”
Beek’s was ancient and required something more modern, according to Sam Nestingen, the owner/operator of Parkway Pizza, who said he can bring back the ambition that once existed.
“Beek’s was kind of on its way out. It was being run down a little bit. I feel like there was a lack of drive, a lack of heart, maybe motivation,” Nestingen said. “So we got that motivation.”
Sophomore Calvin Hatcher said he isn’t too distraught to see the restaurant go.
“Honestly, I don’t mind, because Beek’s scared me a lot as a little kid, mainly because it always smelled like cigarettes,” Hatcher said.
Nestingen said he hopes to make Parkway Pizza’s presence known to the community around him.
“(We will advertise) through every avenue possible: Radio, billboards, mail, community outreach. I don’t know if you know anything about our store but we sponsor a lot of softball teams or the high schools around Minneapolis,” Nestingen said.
Nelson said Parkway will be able to get more foot traffic through their restaurant if people can get more for their money.
“Beek’s is okay. Their prices are kind of high. So if (Parkway has) lower prices, they could attract more students,” Nelson said.
Nestingen said he is positive his Minneapolis style pizza will leave a family full for a reasonable price.
“It’s a Minneapolis style (pizza). The other thing about our pizza is that you’re going to pay around $25 dollars, you’re going to bring your family of four and everyone is going to leave full. We’re good value,” Nestingen said.
Nestingen said he hopes to open Parkway Pizza in May and will be looking to hire students.

Hey there, I'm Lukas Levin, but you can call me Silver Fox. I have a flare for the theatrics, enjoy long walks around school and the occasional TBH. I...