Pet-friendly restaurant prepares for opening

Renovations on new restaurant close to completion

Emma Leff

Craft and Crew Hospitality’s latest restaurant, The Block, will feature a dog-friendly patio and dog menu. Construction on the restaurant began in May 2019 and is expected to be completed in the fall of 2019.

Sam Swisher

According to director of communications for Craft and Crew Hospitality Chasity Sorenson, The Block hopes to benefit from community events happening nearby.

“The Block will be a great place for students and their families to come and enjoy food and time together after school, after games and on weekends,” Sorenson said.

According to Luke Derheim, owner and director of operations at The Block, the property acquired by the company has been under renovation since May 2019.

“Every single part of the building was redone down to the studs and will be completely different than what was there previously,” Derheim said. “We doubled the size of the building when you factor in the north and the south additions.”

Derheim said St. Louis Park was chosen to host Craft and Crew Hospitality’s latest location due to a lack of dining options in the area. Craft and Crew Hospitality is a chain of pet-friendly restaurants.

“We always look for an amazing neighborhood that we feel is underserved,” Derheim said. “We have always loved St. Louis Park and thought this neighborhood was a great fit for us.” 

Sophomore Jack Bristlin said he understands the appeal of pet-friendly restaurants.

“If you love your dog that much, I could see how (The Block) could be enjoyable,” Bristlin said.

Junior Fynn Hammer said he is excited to bring his dog out to eat with him.

 “I think it will be kind of cool to bring my dog to a restaurant but kind of weird at the same time,” Hammer said. “The Block will kind of be a one of a kind thing in the park so it will probably be really popular.”

According to the restaurant’s website, The Block will be opening soon.