Club leader analyzes film in a different light

Interest in film projected through writing

Lauren VonEschen

As senior Miles Sandbo prepares for a new year with his recently formed film club, he said he is most excited to focus on the aspect of screenwriting.

Sandbo took the IB film class sophomore year, which he said sparked his interest in screenwriting.

“My group was deciding who was going to have which aspect of the movie-making project. I thought screenwriting would be the easiest,” Sandbo said. “But when I actually started typing it was really fun and I liked making up my own stories.”

Throughout the film club’s meetings and discussions, Sandbo said he discovered and learned more about screenwriting. However, he said the club has helped him learn not only about his writing, but how to work with other people.

“That’s actually a lot of what I like about screenwriting, the fact that it’s not a completely individual thing. I get to work with other people, whether we are filming or writing a script,” Sandbo said.

Throughout the process of writing, Sandbo said he faced many obstacles along the way.

“A lot of the time simply being able to focus, sit down and write for a long period of time is really hard to do,” Sandbo said.

Sandbo said he is excited to continue writing this year and work on projects with his friends in film club.

“I just love the idea that you can take something, an idea that you had in your head and you can write it down on a page,” Sandbo said. “Then someone else will be able to film it and make it something visual and exciting.”