Film club leader aims to engage members
Callahan hopes to increase involvement

Vince Callahan, senior
What is your role in the Film Club?
“Technically I am like the co-president or whatever you would call that. I help lead but I’m not the official leader, (senior) Amira (Stone) is. But I help her out with that.”
How do you choose your movies?
“We do it based on what the people in the club think. We have a Facebook group and we come up with a list of movies that we see get good reviews. We will create a poll in the Facebook group and see which ones people want to see or which ones people would want to talk about.”
What is the next movie the club is planning on watching?
“We are trying to see “Lion” and we are trying to get the group to go and anyone who wants to go to the St. Anthony Main cause that’s mainly where it’s playing.”
How long have you been in the film club?
“This is the first year. There used to be a film club before but then there wasn’t anymore. So Amira kind of came up with the idea to recreate it so this is the first year it’s kind of been around.”
What are your hopes for next year?
“Yeah that’d be cool (if it goes on next year) cause we are just kind of getting it started. We are kind of learning as we go so we are hoping that as we keep going throughout the year more people will join and hopefully younger people will be joining because right now there are a lot of seniors. There are some underclassmen and they can take it over in the future. So yeah we hope it keep it going.”
What kind of things do you discuss after watching a film?
“Really, whatever people want to talk about. I guess the underlying plot maybe or the images that cameramen or the director would choose to use. Basically just whatever people want to talk about.”
Are you interested in making films?
“We are interested in making films but we aren’t really sure that’s going to happen because it’s our first year doing it. It’s a little crazy trying to get everything organized. We would like to make films, but as of now it’s mostly just watching films.”
When do you meet?
“It is the last Tuesday of every month.”
How is the club structured?
“It’s pretty laid back. I mean we take it seriously and want people to be engaged when we are watching stuff and having conversations about what we’ve seen. But it is pretty laid back and again we do what the people want to do.”
Is there a theme to the movies you watch?
“We like to do more independent movies. I mean we’re not closing any out or focusing on a certain group. The main type of movies we’ve been watching are independent films but we are pretty open to anything.”

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Asher P. • Feb 16, 2017 at 4:43 pm
Very happy to see SLP students getting involved in critical film study and film production. Vince, Amira, if you have any questions, please do not hesitate to get in touch with me.
Best of luck,
Asher P.
SLPSH Class of 2012