Student Council elects new officers
Candidates transition to new roles
New public relations officer junior Leila Raymond speaks during Student Council elections April 12. Candidates running for an officer position were required to each present a speech.
April 18, 2018
Recently, new Student Council officers were picked for the 2018-2019 school year. Members of the council also received information about running for next year’s student body positions
According to Student Council President Sophie Yarosh, the method of choosing the new officers involved each of the candidates presenting a speech about why they should be elected, with ballots cast afterward.
“At the last meeting we had officer nominees say their speeches and then people write down on a piece of paper and vote,” Yarosh said. “It was pretty easy election because everyone ran unopposed.”
Yarosh said next school year’s board will have six officers including juniors Alexis Machoka and Cailey Hansen-Mahoney as Co-Presidents. The Vice President will be junior Chuck Evans, along with sophomore Anna Nicholls as Secretary, sophomore Anna Wert as Treasurer and junior Leila Raymond as Public Relations officer.
Raymond said she thinks serving on the board is a necessary method of giving back to the school.
“I feel it is important to serve on the Student Council board because I really think that contributing to our school community and the environment is important,” Raymond said.
According to Student Council adviser Sarah Lindenberg, adjusting the group of leaders from former officers to new officers can be challenging but remains exciting.
“The transition of power from the previous year’s officers to next year’s officers is always a little bittersweet because of a lot of the strengths of the current group,” Lindenberg said. “Then it is always exciting also to see the strengths start being revealed for the incoming group of officers.”
Lindenberg said it is important for the Student Council to have a board of officers because the council has many members and officers make collaboration and planning easier.
“(A board of officers) helps keep a larger group organized, helps brainstorm ideas and suggestions for the broader body so then they can help guide the leadership and embrace the leadership of the different students that are a part of the full council,” Lindenberg said.
Yarosh said she is confident the new group of officers will make significant progress for next year.
“I think the new officers are great, and they’re going to do a great job next year. I think we have a great group of people, and it’s going to be very beneficial,” Yarosh said.
Machoka said her memories of being a part of the council this year reflected the confidence she has expressed in her candidacy.
“All of my experiences on Student Council have been very positive. It has given me an opportunity to connect with students in the school, and it’s given me a better sense of pride,” Machoka said.
Machoka said having a relationship with the council is crucial to beneficial work.
“I learned the importance of really bonding with the people that you’re around,” Machoka said. “Especially with Student Council, we haven’t had as much meetings as we have had in the past, and it made our council a little bit more distant, and it showed me the importance of making sure we are staying connected with our peers.”
Raymond said being actively involved on the council helps contribute to more successes.
“It’s important to utilize communication and strive for improvement in our schools and community because through community we really can achieve anything,” Raymond said.
According to Lindenberg, candidate applications for the Student Council body are currently available in her classroom and are due April 23.