Nelly Korman named 2019 Global Learning Fellow

Spanish teacher honored by The NEA Foundation

Ruthie Posada

Spanish teacher Nelly Korman assists one of her students during a test in AP Spanish. Korman was named a 2019 Global Learning Fellow.

Dahlia Krebs

Sophomore Casey Hunter said Global Learning Fellow Nelly Korman knows how to teach Spanish well.

“She knows what she’s doing and she knows what she talking about or teaching,” Hunter said.

The NEA Foundation selects from applicants with one teacher per state, according to The NEA Foundation. Korman said as a fellow, she participates in activities relating to global learning education.

“We engage in professional development around the topic of global learning education,” said Korman. “We (participate) in a variety of other activities like webinars and work through some modules that are related to global learning education.”

The reason she applied, Korman said, was because she wanted to teach students in new ways.

“When I first applied I did it because I’ve always been passionate about education, I have been an educator for over twenty years and I have always wanted to do new things in the classroom,” Korman said. “I have always wanted to bring new innovations, new ideas and creativity and embed it into my curriculum.”

While Korman is really kind, she also sets high goals for her students to reach, said sophomore Jayde Claussen.

“I think she’s really nice and she has really high expectations of her AP students, which can be expected from any AP class,” Claussen said.

Korman said the world is changing and she hopes to help her students adapt to it.

“We can see a lot of changes in the area of technology, there are new ideas and new concepts that are brought to our societies every day, but when you look into our classrooms sometimes the system remains almost the same,” Korman said. “It is important for our students to develop the notion and idea that they can be creative and do other things to guarantee that our world is preserved and that we still have a world forty years from now.”

According to Hunter, Korman does a good job preparing students for the AP Spanish exam in May.

“I feel like she’s really good at preparing us for the AP exam. She’s really sweet and a very kind person overall,” Hunter said.

Korman said she hopes after the fellowship she will be able to teach students how to be active global citizens.

“I am hoping that I can help my students develop the skills to be real global citizens beyond the notion of global competency, knowing that it is important, but to take action and work towards attaining those goals,” said Korman.