FCA discusses integrity
Club offers welcoming atmosphere
Senior Alex Hager and junior Michael Boxley hold hands in prayer Oct. 15 at FCA. FCA meets Tuesdays 8 a.m. in room A304.
October 21, 2019
According to senior and club leader Jacob Brown, in the meeting of the Fellowship of the Christian Athletes Oct. 15, the topic of discussion was integrity.
“In FCA (Fellowship of the Christian Athletes) today we went over a lesson of integrity,” Brown said. “We learned more about it (and) asked questions to get people thinking.”
Junior Marissa Boettcher said students can display integrity every day by being honest and kind in school and to our peers.
“In the discussion we talked about how in school you can use integrity by not cheating on your tests or by being nice to that person who (it) might be hard to be nice to,” Boettcher said.
According to Brown, it’s important to learn and converse with others about God within a community.
“It’s important to dive into God’s word and just learn more about God,” Brown said. “It’s more so the importance of gathering with these people to help spark a conversation.”
Boettcher said she attends FCA meetings because of her ability to express her beliefs with like-minded people.
“I really enjoy being able to come together with a group of people that have the same beliefs and values as me and just being in a comfortable space to express that freely,” Boettcher said.
Brown said FCA ends in prayer following each meeting to help members overcome struggles and improve wellbeing.
“We always end in prayer to ask God to help us in whatever difficult tasks we might have coming up (and) to help clear our mind and better ourselves and have God’s protection over us,” Brown said.
According to Boettcher, it’s important to use integrity to better the world.
“In today’s world it’s really hard to have integrity because there’s a lot of bad stuff going on,” Boettcher said. “If we do our part and just do one good action at a time and be honest and loyal to everyone around us we’ll make the world a better place.”
According to Brown, FCA meets Tuesday mornings 8 a.m. in room A304.