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Art club students gather for a pizza party May 7. This was the last art club meeting of the year.
Art club students gather for a pizza party May 7. This was the last art club meeting of the year.
Annika Koch

Pizza and paintbrushes

Art club members reflect on the year

As the end of the year approaches, the art club is preparing for a change in leadership. Throughout the year, the Art club has met nearly every Tuesday. Finishing up the year with pizza, members reflected on how their year was.

According to freshman James Turner, he hopes other people join the club because it promotes creativity and socialization. It’s also an opportunity to grow one’s art skills and express oneself.

“It’s a good social space and artistic creativity point,” Turner said. “It’s a good spot to get better at doing art and make new friends.”

Club advisor Angela Jacob said there’s no structure or schedule to the club so people can come and go as they please. The space provides time to do your own thing while enjoying food and conversation.

“People usually just do their own thing,” Jacob said. “There’s no set idea of what they’re doing. They just come up with their own ideas. Lots of work, drawing and sketching but also eating.”

Club leader Sophia Jerney said with a change of leadership approaching, she hopes the art club will continue having members and meeting.

“Since we have a change in leadership next year, I hope that they keep members and meet as often as they do now,” Jerney said.

Jacob said People keep coming back because of the communal creative space and the ability to try new mediums and new styles that they wouldn’t otherwise give a shot to.

“I’d say people just get better at drawing and hanging out with their friends,” Jacob said. “I really liked meeting new people and trying other mediums I might not have tried before.”

Jerney said the club not being structured and providing freedom to do whatever students want makes it ideal. You can really focus in or you can tune out the art and talk.

“The club is not super structured and you have the freedom to do what you want,” said Jerney. “It’s just something I can kind of do in the background or really focus on.”

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