Student Council hopes to revitalize spirit week with popular series
Freshman Salma Mohamed said she jumped out of her seat when she found out through a Student Council video showed in classes that J.K. Rowling’s Harry Potter series was the inspiration for the 2013 Sno Daze week.
“I really like Harry Potter, so having the series as the Sno Daze theme is awesome,” Mohamed said.
Student Council member sophomore Ariella Schwartz said Student Council decided on the Harry Potter theme to get more students to participate in Sno Daze week.
“I designed the Harry Potter themed shirts, and I hope they’ll get students involved with the theme,” she said.
At today’s pep fest, each grade will be sorted into a Harry Potter house for the week: Hufflepuff, Slytherin, Ravenclaw or Gryffindor. Beginning Feb. 5, houses will compete in nightly activities to earn points for their house in the “Triwizard Tournament.”
Mohamed said she is very excited to participate in the events, because she will be contributing to help her grade win the “Triwizard Tournament.”
“I think the competition will be fun because boys and girls will be able to play each other and make mixed gender teams for their grade,” Mohamed said.
Points will be tallied to determine the winning house of the tournament. A randomly chosen student from the winning house will be awarded with a grand prize, announced by the Student Council at the pep fest.
Sophomore Mikka Schacherer said she was shocked to hear the announcement and hopes to be involved in many of the festivities.
“I thought that it was really crazy Student Council brought Harry Potter as a theme for Sno Daze,” she said. “This year I want to make a team for the events, and I’m excited for the (Harry Potter) dress code for Thursday.”