Gryffindor sweeps the Volleyball event to win the 2013 Triwizard Sno Daze Tournament
Final standings:
Gryffindor- 445
Slytherin- 110
Friday recap:
- Slytherin received 50 points for selling out of their class shirts.
- Ravenclaw received 50 points for buying the most tickets at lunch Friday, Feb. 8.
- The Cereal Killers received 25 points for team Gryffindor at the dodgeball event for the daily dress code contest
- The Beach Boys, the all-senior team composed of Ryan Froom, Parker Stennes, Peyton Bretl, Austin Broz, Nick Shaughnessy and Cole Hoyt won the Volleyball event and gave Gryffindor 20 points each. (+120 for Gryffindor)
- The Gentlemen, another all-senior team won second place. Seniors Charlie Bahnson, Tommy Barrett, Henry Klaverkamp, Willy Morrow, Joseph Ramirez and Alex Rozman received 10 points each for Gryffindor. (+60 for Gryffindor)
The grand prize, an iPad Mini, will be awarded to a senior who bought a dance ticket. The winner will be announced at the dance Feb. 9.
Standings after Thursday:
Gryffindor- 240
Day four recap:
- Once again, Hufflepuff, received 50 points for purchasing the most dance tickets at lunch Thursday, Feb. 7.
- Senior Tamy Covacevich and junior Claire Tollefsrud tied for the best Harry Potter dress code, giving 25 points to both Gryffindor and Ravenclaw.
- August Heat, led by senior Aaron Silverman and juniors Jacob Pokorny and Danny Lent. (+20 for Gryffindor, +40 for Ravenclaw).
Standings after Wednesday:
Gryffindor- 195
Hufflepuff- 170
Day three recap:
- Hufflepuff received 50 points for the third straight day after purchasing the most dance tickets at lunch Wednesday, Feb. 6.
- Seniors Sarah Silbert and Katie Sweeney won the Twin Day dress code contest, giving Gryffindor 25 points.
- Team #RCOD, the Rail Cats, won first place in the Dodgeball tournament. Seniors Austin Broz, Cole Hoyt, Parker Stennes, Ryan Froom, Mitchell Thomas and sophomore Joe Burnley each won 20 points for their team. (+100 for Gryffindor, +20 for Slytherin)
- The Monsters finished in second place in the Dodgeball tournament. Juniors Naris Uzzell, Daren Martin, Jake Lukasavage, Ledarius Tate, Chris Compton and senior Travis Wilson each won 10 points for their team. (+50 for Ravenclaw, +10 for Gryffindor)
- The Freakiz finished in third place in dodgeball. Seniors Marshaun Roundtree, Charlie Koch, Jake Baer, Andrew Johnson, Peyton Bretl and Marshall Cullen each won 5 points for Gryffindor. (+30 for Gryffindor)
Standings after Tuesday:
Day two recap:
- Hufflepuff received 50 points again for purchasing the most dance tickets Tuesday, Feb. 5.
- Junior Jonah Resnick won the best dress code contest for Jersey Day and received 25 points for Ravenclaw.
- The High Flyers, 3v3 basketball champions, composed of sophomores Tracy Brown, Diamond James and freshman Latoris Jones each won 20 points for their respective team. (+40 for Slytherin, +20 for Hufflepuff).
- Black Lightning took second place in the 3v3 basketball tournament. Seniors Sam Beck, Ethan Hulett and Gideon Moranga each won 10 points for Gryffindor. (+30 for Gryffindor).
Standings after Monday:
Hufflepuff (Freshmen)- 50 points
Ravenclaw (Juniors)- 25 points
Slytherin (Sophomores) and Gryffindor (Seniors)- 0 points
Day one recap:
- Hufflepuff received 50 points for purchasing the most dance tickets Monday, Feb. 4.
- Junior Mary Pavia won the best dress code contest for Comfy Day, moving Ravenclaw into second place with 25 points.