Roots and Shoots plans climate change walkout
Community raises awareness for climate week

Junior Thor Anderson discusses future plans with Roots and Shoots Sept 17. According to Roots and Shoots junior President Zoe Frank, the Roots and Shoots climate walkout will begin after school Sept. 27.
September 26, 2019
In response to the lack of awareness regarding the youth climate strike which occurred Sept. 20, there will be another climate change walkout Sept. 27, according to junior Roots and Shoots President Zoe Frank.
“People around the nation know there are international walkouts this Friday on Sep. 27, but it’s actually a whole climate week,” Frank said.
According to Frank, taking advantage of the climate week has allowed Roots and Shoots to focus specifically on raising awareness in St. Louis Park about the growing problem of climate change.
“It’s an emergency right now, and more action needs to be done, and fast,” Frank said. “We just need to continue alerting people in charge that that’s what we want to see, that we need change.”
Sophomore Georgia Charpentier said she is worried about how climate change will affect generations of youth.
“We are the future of our world, and if we don’t care about climate change the world will end and we won’t have anywhere to go,” Charpentier said.
Focusing on the politics of climate change, Roots and Shoots is making sure the event is targeted to the St. Louis Park community.
“Ours will be more locally focused,” Frank said. “So, at the end of the day we will all walkout to city hall where we will have speakers about climate change and local climate policy.”
According to Frank, anybody who plans to attend the walkout should meet 3:10 p.m. at the athletic doors, where everybody will walk from to St. Louis Park City Hall.