Administration should keep current schedule

Switching schedules creates confusion

Tenzin Gyaldatsang

With a new semester rolling right around the corner, adjustments are being made. Many changes have been made to the system, especially during distance learning and hybrid. Although changes are being made in hopes to alleviate students, but instead, it’s causing confusion amongst students and teachers.

When Park went into a hybrid model Oct. 26, many students, including myself, needed some time to adjust to the different schedule. This change in schedule often had students in many of my classes showing up late for their 5th-period class or getting to lunch late. But after a week or so, I got into the habit of the new schedule and adjusted accordingly. 

Unfortunately, the hybrid model didn’t last long and Park switched to a distance model, which began Nov. 16 and hasn’t been modified since. 

And yet again, the same results. Students either showing up late or early to classes. Personally, I also was confused at times due to the abrupt change. I believe that if we decided yet again to switch schedules, even more confusion would happen. 

Personally, I like to make habits of when to do things, like when I do my IB History homework or when I read a book for IB English. Whenever the schedule changes, it takes a lot of time to set that designated time that is formed through repetition. 

So far, the distance learning schedule has benefited me greatly. During synchronous classes, I have learned a lot and I think that teachers have been using their class time effectively. The only problem that I have with asynchronous classes is check-ins that take longer than five minutes, which for me, rarely happens. 

Keeping the current system would assist students and create less stress, which is imperative during this pandemic. If changes were to be made, I would suggest having asynchronous classes be strictly five minutes or less.