On Wednesdays we don’t wear pink

Dress code receives backlash


Ivan Zank

Spirit week is an extremely fun time for students and staff. This year, however, the student council is receiving backlash for the Mean Girls dress code. 

Monday, Oct. 3 was supposed to be “Mean Girls” day. This was controversial among the student body because of the iconic quote, “On Wednesdays we wear pink,” from the “Mean Girls” movie. After a few days of having the dress code posted on social media, the student council chose to change “Mean Girls” day to Wednesday, Oct. 5. 

Most of the backlash happened over Instagram, where students reshared the post announcing the dress code and criticized the choice to place “Mean Girls” day on a Monday. 

Student council’s reason for this original date is because Oct. 3 is National “Mean Girls” day. But this does not change the fact that dressing in pink on a Wednesday makes for a much more recognized theme. The rearranging of this schedule made it possible for the student body to wear pajamas on Monday, which is a much-needed day of rest. 

After changing it the first time, the student council then retroactively edited the dress code to “Pink Out.” Student council came up with “Pink Out” day, in support of breast cancer awareness.

Almost everyone has heard of the early 2000s movie “Mean Girls,” one day of a spirit week won’t encourage more bullying at Park. If Mean Girls was as influential on behavior as the administration thinks it is, then students across the United States would have been impacted and bullying would have skyrocketed after the movie’s release but it didn’t. This dress code won’t influence behavior any more than the movie did. 

It’s a much better idea to have “Mean Girls” day on a Wednesday — however it’s not as big of a deal as people made it out to be. The student council’s mistake is more funny than anything — they messed up and it made for some great memes.