Superintendent Astein Osei starts new podcast

Osei hosts student guest speaker Amira Abdirahman

Superintendent Astein Osei hosts the podcast “Share the Mic” Oct. 31. Osei is currently running the podcast, which is available to all students and staff.

Roberto Alvarez

What was the purpose of this podcast?

The really cool thing that he did was interview students to be able to get information from people who know what’s going on in this school and be able to get an insight. As technology advances and more and more of us are online, it is a way for Osei to get his message out about the district and our school. 

Did you enjoy your talk with Superintendent Osei? 

Definitely. The superintendent being able to ask these questions about our schools and community and just being able to bring out new ideas and ways that we can support our community. (He was) very respectful and open minded.

Out of all the issues that were addressed during the interview, which one was the most important to you? 

I would probably say having a school where teachers believe in students, because I have had both experiences of having good teachers and bad teachers. When having teachers believe in you and when they don’t — it’s a very important issue.

Do you think this podcast will reach the students at SLP?

It already has, I know it’s reached teachers. Students have told me that they have listened to it which surprised me. I’m just happy I could get the message across.

What was one question you wished you asked Osei? 

I would just ask him what SLP means to Superintendent Osei. (I would’ve asked) what drew him to SLP and what drives him to lead the area school district everyday. 

Do you think Osei and the Administration can create solutions to the issues that were mentioned during the podcast?  

They showed that they have a willingness to listen to students’ ideas. It’s a really good first step. There’s a lot more hard work to come but I think that they can get there eventually to those issues.

To listen to the “Share the Mic” podcast, visit the St. Louis Park Public Schools Youtube channel.