Junior expresses himself through poems
Adam Kowski promotes his poetry on social media
Junior Adam Kowski writes a poem during class on Monday, Nov. 6. He uploads his poems to his Instagram account dedicated to poetry. Follow him @poems_by_kowski on Instagram.
November 15, 2017
When did you start writing poetry?
I started writing poetry when my grandpa died. His death was really big in my life because he’s the one that got me started with bowling, and we’d always hang out on the weekends over the summer. I hadn’t lost any family members before him, so when he died it hit me really, really hard. The first poem I wrote was about him and how it was tough losing someone and that I missed him.
What inspires your poetry?
I want to save the kids that feel like they’re not loved or wanted or feel like they don’t have friends. Hopefully by reading my poems they’ll know I’m here for them and there’s someone there for them, and they aren’t alone and aren’t the only one who is struggling.
What are your poems about?
They’re generally about people feeling alone and struggling with depression and suicide — heavy topics like that, that people nowadays aren’t really comfortable talking about.
How often do you write?
I try and write a poem everyday, but with my schedule it’s not that easy. But if I post a poem on Instagram once a day or at least write a poem a day, then I feel like I am doing something productive.
What inspired you to create an instagram account for your poetry
I struggled with suicidal thoughts a couple years ago and what really helped me was talking with my friends who told me I wasn’t alone, so I want people to know they aren’t alone and that I’ve been through what they are struggling with too. When people read an article or a poem that makes them feel less alone, it can help them, so I wanted to create a way for people to read my poetry easily so they can feel loved and welcomed.
What do you hope comes from people seeing your poetry?
I hope that when people read my poetry they think good thoughts and try to make the world a better place and just be more productive citizens. Or if there is somebody who is really depressed, or thinking of suicide, maybe I can help them not feel alone and want to be with other people in society and live to tell their story.