Freshman lands role in “All American Boys”

Miles Johnson rehearses for play

Used with permission by Miles Johnson.

Sophia Curran-Moore

What is the play you are in?

I am in the production of “All American Boys” partnered with Stages Theatre Company in the Capri Theater. I play Rashad.

What was the audition process like?

For me, at least, it was a very peculiar audition process. Originally, I wasn’t going to audition, but after the callbacks and the first auditions, the director actually emailed me and asked if I could send him a tape if I was interested in it. I was like, ‘Sure, why not?’ I sent in the tape, and they invited me to personal callbacks, where I read some monologues and told them about myself. A few days later, I got a call saying I got a part in the play. It was definitely a weird audition process for me but it was fun.

What is the rehearsal process like?

Every weekday, we have rehearsal from 6:30 – 9, where we just do blocking and stuff like that. Starting next week, we have rehearsal from 5:30 – 9. The week after that, we have rehearsal from 2 – 9, which is definitely a huge commitment. It’s bonding with the cast every day so we grow more together.

What have you learned from rehearsing for the play?

I learned so many different techniques in acting and speaking and showing how you feel. I also learned so much about police brutality and the racism in America and … how many people, just this year, have died of police brutality.

Why did you decide you want to be in the play?

I decided I want to be a part of this play because it’s a very important topic to spread awareness about.

What topics do you think are important that are in the play?

In the play, it talks about people’s mental health, especially teenagers. It also demonstrates police brutality for a young black man in America, which is such a current topic going around, especially in Minneapolis with the George Floyd incident. Minneapolis is definitely the perfect place to do it, and it’s actually the Twin Cities premier. It’s the first time it’s being done in the Twin Cities.

How has your experience at Park helped prepare you to be in the play?

The (Park) theater program really helped me build my confidence and helped me with my acting skills and (helped me) have the confidence to do this. My teachers also helped me by being cooperative and giving me my homework in advance because I’m going to miss my school. They’re helping me with everything, which is great.

When are the performances?

If you go on Stages Theatre website, you can buy tickets and it shows you the exact performances. It’s going from April 29 – May 22. Everyone should definitely come see this play.