Boys’ golf suffers first loss

Team stays optimistic about future matches

Freshman Charlie Poulter chips at the first hole during a match against Armstrong April 9. The match took place at Brookview Golf Course.

After losing to Robbinsdale Armstrong in the first match of the season, freshman golfer Tommy Tight said he wishes he had played better, but is able to look ahead to the next match.

“I don’t think anyone was super happy with how they played yesterday, but our coach said that he liked the way none of us got really too upset about it,” Tight said. “We forgot about the loss quick and we were having fun after the match, so I think that was a good experience.”

Boys’ golf coach Mike Okey said he hopes the team will be able to prepare for future matches as practices continue.

“Being that it was a match two weeks after the season started, I don’t know what more we could have done to be more prepared,” Okey said. “It’s just going to be putting in the work at practice, and unfortunately with the season so short, we’ll probably end up with having less practice and more matches.”

According to junior golfer Charlie Harper, the match April 9 was more challenging because of inclement weather during early practices.

“It’s hard to feel 100 percent prepared when we’re not able to get outside prior to the match. Before the match, we weren’t able to hit off of grass at all,” Harper said.

Tight said the Brookview course conditions were inadequate, making the match even more difficult.

“The fairways are super wet, so it’s hard to keep good contact with the ball or get a good line on the fairway,” Tight said. “They also can’t really cut the green short, so you have to putt on slower green, but it’s just the start of the season, so it’s just a little bit rough.”

According to Okey, he plans to encourage the team to reach their season goals, as well as help all players improve.

“As a leader, I’m just there to help them with whatever they need help with. We met with everyone individually, and I told them my job as coach is to help you get as good as you want to get,” Okey said. “As much effort as they are willing to put in is what they are going to get out of it.”

Tight said the transition into the correct mindset of the game can take some time, but hopes it will inspire the team to move forward.

“One thing that is kind of hard to get used to at the start of the season is the mental aspect of it, not getting down on yourself, kind of bouncing back and not letting one bad hole affect your whole round,” Tight said.

With the first match complete, Harper said he plans to work on his swing and hitting the ball, as well as practice on grass.

“The main thing I need to work on personally is ball striking. Making sure I’m able to consistently strike the ball well and being able to be accurate,” Harper said. “Hopefully once the snow melts, we’ll be able to start hitting off of grass when we practice, so we’ll be able to get a better feel for our swings.”

According to Okey, the weather makes outdoor practices problematic and is not sure when the team will be resuming practice outside.

“It’s not (the team’s) fault. They live in Minnesota, and it’s a spring sport, and now we have more snow, so I have no idea when we will be outside hitting balls again,” Okey said.

According to, boys’ golf will have its next match at 1 p.m. April 22 at Columbia Golf Course.