Storiole holds t-shirt fundraiser
T-shirts given as token to seniors
Senior Olivia Lainsbury re-stocks racks at the Storiole May 21. The Storiole plans on giving each senior a free class t-shirt.
June 7, 2021
After creating custom t-shirts for the Class of 2020 and setting up a t-shirt drive, business teacher Sophia Ross said the seniors who run the Storiole wanted to carry on the drive for the Class of 2021.
“We did it last year for all the seniors just due to them being in distance learning. At first we were just going to sell the t-shirts, but then a parent (from) the main office, Jen Thomas, she had a senior graduating last year and she’s like, ‘we can actually get all of these t-shirts donated,’” Ross said.
Senior and Storiole manager Oliver Macdonald said the 2021 t-shirt helps remind seniors of their accomplishments despite COVID-19.
“It’s really important because last year it was crazy with COVID-19. And even this year, online school has been really difficult,” Macdonald said. “(It’s) just something to give seniors at the end of the year — they’ll be like, ‘hey, you made it through a global pandemic and now we’re at graduation.’”
According to senior Ella Miller, the t-shirt drive is unifying, as all seniors have worked hard to get where they are.
“It helps show other students and seniors that we’re all equal,” Miller said. “Every senior should have the same things, every senior has a cap and gown and every senior should be able to have something as simple as a t-shirt and yearbook.”
For senior Elizabeth Orton, the t-shirt fundraiser has been a testament to the perseverance students have displayed this year.
“It’s good that they’ve started to do this and I hope they continue to do this more,” Orton said. “Especially during the pandemic, people started to see and had more insight like, ‘there are a lot of problems happening around us, here are ways we can solve that and this is one tiny way.’”
According to Ross, no matter the use of the t-shirt, it is a great tool for the Class of 2021 to form a bond around.
“Whether they wear the t-shirt because they love it or they wear the t-shirt just to have or to keep them in their little memory box, I think it’s fun,” Ross said. “The tradition of having a class t-shirt unifies all of the students.”
Macdonald said the t-shirt fundraiser will continue and become an integral part of the graduation experience.
“I think that will definitely continue next year, especially if Ms. Ross is still around. She loves doing this and she thinks it’s great for the seniors just to have something at the end of the year,” Macdonald said. “That’s sort of like a graduation present, just being like, ‘here’s a t-shirt for your class and we’re proud of you.’”
To donate to the Storiole t-shirt fundraiser, visit the Storiole website.