Senior Spotlight: Mike Donahue
Senior Mike Donahue practices his shot-put throw at practice May 11. Donahue has competed as a thrower since his freshman year.
When did you start throwing?
I started throwing freshman year.
What do you enjoy about track?
I enjoy how laid back it is. There is still a lot of hard work and intensity involved, but it is just less pressure.
How has track impacted you as a person?
Track has made me a stickler about the little things in life, because in throwing the smallest mistake can really mess up a throw. It has taught me to pay attention to detail and do things carefully.
How does playing football benefit your throwing career, and vice versa?
I think football and throwing kind of complement each other for me, because both of them involve a lot of lifting weights and strict preparations.
How does it feel to be a senior after four years of throwing?
It feels nice being a senior because I am growing up and moving out, but I will definitely miss the track and field team at St. Louis Park because of the coaches and the tight community it forms.
Looking back, what do you wish was different about track at Park?
Honestly, I can’t think of anything in particular. I think the track program has done an excellent job over my four years involved. Even so, I still wish I had another year of track to look forward to.
What impact have the track coaches here at Park had on you as a person?
The coaches have taught me a lot of life lessons, the biggest one being accountability. They taught me to own my actions and understand that I can control my performance in life.
What is your favorite memory from track?
My favorite memory from high school track is from freshman year when I broke my personal record and threw the discus 100 feet. The tingling feeling in my arm directly after the throw was unreal, and it just felt great to have achieved such a good result after so much training and hard work.

Hey guys, I'm William and I will be a writer and photographer for the Echo this year. The thing that I am most excited for this year is The FitnessGram™...