What has gone well in your high school career?
Recently, these last two or three years I’ve been putting in a lot of work and getting a lot better than I ever thought I would be. Staying consistent with everything I do has led me to be one of the best runners at Park.
What has been the best part of running cross country for Park?
(I) love being around the team. The team is great, (we’re) achieving things that I didn’t think we’d be able to do and having a better team than we’ve ever had before, which is great because I feel like I was a part of building that.
What does it mean for you to be a captain for cross country?
It means a lot. I love being able to be a leader for all the guys and being able to be the guy who everybody asks questions (when) people need help. I’m happy to help, and (it) makes me happy to be able to support everybody else in their journey.
What has been your favorite memory in cross country this year?
After the conference meet, where we had probably the best race our school has had in 20 years, with six people sub-18 (minutes), which is something that we haven’t done for a very, very long time, so with everybody being really happy and getting a bunch of big personal records, it’s just huge for the team.
What’s something you’ll take away from cross country?
Consistency is key. In running, if you don’t do it every day, or at least six days a week, you’re probably not gonna end up too good. It’s being able to persevere through the hard days—that’s how you really get better.
How have you grown from running cross country as a middle schooler to now?
When I first started (running), I did it for fun. I didn’t really have any aspirations of actually running in college or anything like that. As I’ve gotten older and put in more work, I realized that I can run in college and do all that stuff. It’s brought me a long way and it’ll bring me even farther.
Do you hope to continue running after this season?
Yes, I’m hoping to. I’m talking to a lot of different colleges, so hopefully I can continue my running career and keep achieving new things.
Meet the Athlete: Paxon Myers
Senior captain leads boys cross country
October 25, 2024
Senior Paxon Myers paces himself with surrounding runners Oct. 1. Myers is Park’s top runner.
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Shepard Cox, Sports Editor
Hey y'all I'm Shep. Some call me the alpha of Echo, others say the Sports Editor, just depends on who you ask. I put my life on the line for the paper, working day in and day out under a dimly lit lamp. The pages get smudged with ink from my quill. When I am not hunched over my desk with papers towered oh so high, I like to listen to some sick tunes, go on memorable night drives, and support my mutuals at their various events. With the help of fabulous fellow editors like Entertainment Editor Kayleigh Bishop and Photo Editor Emma Egan, we take Echo by storm. Sometimes the pioneer himself Multimedia Editor TJ Brayboy likes to cause a ruckus and distract from the task at hand, but I persist through the day undeterred. Alongside Busine$$ Editor Maya Nieves, we stand on busine$$ and rake in stacks of blue bands. Also, we mustn't forget the Best of SNO legend herself In-Depth Editor Tess Machalek. Together, the Echo staff will work together to produce a tremendous product. I can't wait to see what the rest of the year has in store. The Packers will win the Super Bowl in 2026.

Louisa Augustine, Photo Editor
Hi! My name is Louisa and I am a senior. This is my second year on Echo, and I’m excited to be the new social media manager. When I’m not working on Echo, you can find me running cross country, skiing for my school and club team, running track or spending time with friends and family.Â