Meet the athlete: Danny Lainsbury
Junior Danny Lainsbury looks out for the ball Sept. 29. Park lost to Chaska with a final score of 2-1.
October 3, 2020
What do you like most about playing soccer?
I put a lot of time and effort into soccer, and seeing that pay off is pretty satisfying. Also, I spend a lot of free time doing it and (I) make great friends playing it. Overall, it’s a pretty fun thing to be doing.
How long have you been playing soccer?
Basically as long as I can remember. I’ve probably been playing since I was 5 or 6.
Why did you decide to start playing soccer?
I don’t have a specific memory, but I’ve done other sports like I played baseball, I was a swimmer and played soccer — just trying out different sports to see what I liked the best, and it turned out to be soccer.
What position do you play? Have you played any other position?
I play forward, center-forward, and I’ve pretty much played that as long as I can remember.
How has your season been going so far?
We’re 5-2-1 this year, which is not as good as last year — last year we were 10-2 at the end of the season I think — but there are (fewer) games this season. Honestly, we’re doing pretty well. We’ve got a pretty young team.
What has been the hardest part of this season?
I would say probably playing consistently. We’re a young team, so players have less experience.
Who is your role model in soccer and why?
I guess I have favorite players and players I’ve looked up to over the years. If I had to pick just one player, that would probably be Cristiano Ronaldo. He is one of the most famous players of all time. Probably the one I watched the most growing up.
What is an element of your game that you plan to improve on going forward?
Finishing my chances. Sometimes I miss clear goal-scoring opportunities, and for my position, that is not acceptable.
What are you hoping to achieve this season?
I hope we can win every game we have left and win the sectional championship.