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The student news site of St. Louis Park High School

The Echo

The student news site of St. Louis Park High School

The Echo

The student news site of St. Louis Park High School

The Echo

In an article posted by the SLP Nest, the Nest closed its doors Aug. 31. Senior Rachel Stein says the nest has had a large impact on her.

Nest student worker adjusts to Nest closure

Elena Ortiz-Fishman September 5, 2020

In an article posted on the SLP Nest website, the store announced they will be permanently closing Aug. 31. According to senior Rachel Stein, the open and friendly environment the Nest created had a large...

Junior Sophie Yakes speaks on behalf for the club Roots and Shoots during the Children's First Champion Breakfast March 5 at Double Tree Park Place Hotel. Yakes said she wants to promote awareness to citizens of St. Louis Park on how to take action.

Children’s First program brings community together to discuss climate change

Anna Benishek March 8, 2020

Junior Roots and Shoots member Sophie Yakes said it’s important for students' voices to be heard at the Children’s First Champion Breakfast because the community can benefit from them. “I am speaking...

Spanish teacher Nelly Korman assists freshman Solin Mendes-Duffy with an assignment Oct. 24. Korman is running for Bloomington school board for the 2019 election.

Spanish teacher inspired by youth to give back to community

Lilly Strathman October 29, 2019

When teaching one day, spanish teacher Nelly Korman had a revelation and realized she wanted to give back to students by running for Bloomington school board.  Sophomore Sophia Romero believes having...

The utility box is found on 28th and Louisiana. Senior Nathaniel Sturzl won the competition.

Art displayed in community

Nietzsche Deuel and Isabelle Becker May 2, 2017

After holding a contest where Park students submit art or photographs to be displayed on a utility box in St. Louis Park, members of Roots and Shoots, City Council and a neighborhood representative selected...

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