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The student news site of St. Louis Park High School

The Echo

The student news site of St. Louis Park High School

The Echo

The student news site of St. Louis Park High School

The Echo

Rabbi John Carrier teaches a Hebrew class Sept. 22. He is the first in-person Hebrew teacher Park has had in years.

Hebrew learning jumps out of the screen

Ivan Zank October 3, 2023

Starting the school year off, Park transitioned from years of online Hebrew classes to having an in-person teacher. Park hired Rabbi John Carrier to take over and ease students into the new learning style. Park...

Rabbi John Carrier teaches a Hebrew class Sept. 22. He is the first in-person Hebrew teacher Park has had in years.

Rabbi John Carrier hopeful at Park

Sarah Peterson September 22, 2023

What inspired you to become a teacher? I didn't know that I wanted to be a teacher. Many years ago, I was a financial analyst. In my 30’s I decided I wanted to be a rabbi, which is a teacher of the...

In-person impairs learning

Lily Nugteren January 23, 2022

In the past few weeks since we’ve been back from winter break, there have been several factors obstructing students’ ability to learn. Omicron is running rampant through the school, not just taking...

In-person learning increases productivity

Lauren Thon January 23, 2022

Throughout the last two years of this pandemic, we have seen it all. From distance learning to social distancing and wearing masks in school, this generation of students has had anything but a normal educational...

Students work on history assignments Nov. 1. The excessive use of Chromebooks in the classroom has sparked conversation amongst students.

Cut-down on electronic-device use is necessary

Tenzin Gyaldatsang November 2, 2021

During the 2020-2021 school year, students and staff were forced to work electronically, as we relied on our devices as a constant amidst distance and hybrid learning. Now that we are back fully in-person,...

Sophia Ross presents during Park Connections Oct. 7. The Echo Editorial Board believes that changing the focus of Park Connections will benefit and engage more students.

Staff Editorial: Park Connections called into question

October 10, 2021

The new schedule for the 2021-2022 school year includes a unique period that was added last year to combat issues during distance learning: Park Connections. Although the class proved its worth during...

Students walk through the A3 hallway as they head to their next class Feb. 22. The return of hybrid learning has brought mixed emotions among students.

Hybrid learning brings mixed feelings

Danny Shope February 28, 2021

After choosing to do hybrid learning, senior Helen Tefera said being in school brought much-needed relief from the anxiety that comes with distance learning. “(Hybrid learning) is going to be better,”...

Hybrid learning brings back sense of normalcy

Hybrid learning brings back sense of normalcy

Tenzin Gyaldatsang February 28, 2021

As students like myself return to hybrid learning, a sense of regularity and liveliness was in the air during my two days of in-person classes.  My first day back felt somewhat refreshing. Even though...

Freshman Kate Lemen uses the Oriole Study Nest Feb. 12 to work on her assignments during distance learning. Grades 9-12 will return to hybrid at 50 percent capacity starting Feb. 22.

Walz pushes for accelerated return, Park follows suit

Tobias Khabie February 17, 2021

An optimistic Gov. Tim Walz delivered what he said was some of the best news since the start of the COVID-19 pandemic, announcing that the vast improvements Minnesota has made in the fight against the...

Students figure out which bus to take home after the first day of hybrid learning Oct. 26. When hybrid learning returns Feb. 22, teachers will once again be tasked with balancing distance and in-person cohorts.

Return to hybrid requires balancing once again

Tobias Khabie February 17, 2021

As students and teachers prepare for a second stint in the hybrid learning model, science teacher Al Wachutka said he is worried he will once again have to struggle with the balance of teaching students...

A lack of accountability caused by distanced learning allows for students to cheat on assignments and tests. Academic dishonesty is a growing concern for schools during the pandemic.

Distance learning blurs lines of academic dishonesty

Colin Canaday December 24, 2020

As we have strayed away from our traditional learning methods due to the pandemic, we have all had to adapt to using new tools and resources to keep up with school. However, with different, now accessible...

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In-person learning