America should support black history through month of appreciation

Leaders deserve recognition, honor for service

Lukas Levin

Although I do believe black history should be a crucial part of the education system, it is also important to be mindful to the month itself. It is imperative to recognize the achievements of black people throughout history.

Black History Month first began in 1926 as one week and took nearly 50 years to turn the event into a full month of acknowledgment, according to an article written by the History Channel.

Especially in a time like today with the increasing popularity and awareness of the Black Lives Matter movement, the least Americans can do is to take one month out of the year to stop and dedicate accomplishments made by the black community.

The removal of the month would be another suppression of the black community, which represents  13.3 percent of the U.S. population, according to the United States Census Bureau.

Honoring black history helps Americans familiarize ourselves with the privilege we’ve grown throughout the years. It celebrates and embraces diversity within the country, acknowledging not only black history but also American history, which is a part of the month’s significance.

Achievements made by black Americans throughout our nation’s development are a part of the U.S. history.

Plus, as Americans, it would make sense to take one month to recognize leaders that helped build this nation. Otherwise, you get people like  President Trump, who aren’t aware the abolitionist Frederick Douglass has been dead for more than 122 years. This is why we need at least one month.