Exploring creativity in the Park

36 Arts club shares students’ art

Emily Melbye

Capturing students imagination is what the 36 Arts Club is all about. Now it is featuring it in its upcoming art showcase.

The showcase is a free event where anyone can participate and share their artwork, as well as discuss their artistic ideas with other students on Jan. 30.

According to club advisor Christoph Nordmark, visual art is the most common, however any type of art is welcome to be displayed.

The art showcase is just meant to be a fun, informal way for students to share their art,” Nordmark said.

Nordmark has overseen the club for 3 years and said he is pleased with how the club has grown this year to its current five members.

“This year the club has grown quite a lot,” Nordmark said. “We meet most Tuesdays and Thursdays and focus a lot on planning our big events, like the Poetry Slam, the 36 Arts magazine, and the art showcase.”

Junior Katie Peterson joined the club her sophomore year after the fun she had during the Poetry Slam. She said she hopes this year’s showcase attracts an even larger crowd.

“Last year it happened later and we didn’t have a big turnout,” Peterson said. “This year we had more participants in the poetry slam so I think more students will come to this event as well.”

Peterson said she is excited for the event and the opportunity to submit her own art, and encourages other students to do the same.

“I really want to make sure more people come to make it an even better event,” she said. “36 Arts is a safe environment and all students and their art will be welcome.”

The art showcase will be held at 3:30 Jan. 30 in Mr. Nordmarks room, room C367.