Aspiring medical students hear from expert

Physical therapist informs about field

Nicole Sanford

Junior Hannah Wolk introduces physical therapist Anne Burt at the first MED club meeting, Oct. 26.

Genesis Buckhalton and Nicole Sanford

President of the Medical Education Development (MED) club Hannah Wolk said the speaker at the first club meeting was a success.

On Wednesday, October 26, MED club welcomed their first speaker of the year, Anne Burt, a physical therapist.

“She just covered everything we wanted information about without us really having to ask her questions,” Wolk said.

According to Wolk, the speaker engaged students with relevant content.

“She was very thorough and talked about what people are usually interested in like schooling, what a day in the life is like and the different fields within that field,” Wolk said. “She also gave us a demonstration on how to fit for crutches and canes which was really helpful.”

Sophomore Lily Johnson said Burt talked about key information that can help you in the future.

“(The presentation) was really interactive and it was a lot of information that you have to think about before you go to college, for example what majors schools offer,” Johnson said.

Johnson said she does not want to be a physical therapist, but wants to have a profession in the medical field.

“I’m looking into optometry, which is being an eye doctor, a gynecologist or an EMT,” Johnson said.

Wolk said this meeting’s speaker featured a physical therapist, but there are plans for more speakers at upcoming meetings.

“I’m looking forward to having a variety of different speakers in different areas because it’s just really interesting to hear from different careers,” Wolk said. “I think we’re going to have a lot of cool speakers this year.”