Farm stand offers fresh produce to the community

SLP Seeds opens produce stand to help Park residents


Abigail Prestholdt

Senior Zoe Frank organizes produce at SLP seeds produce distributions Sept. 22. SLP seeds is offering distribution Tuesdays 2-6 p.m, and a farm stand Saturdays 9 a.m-1 p.m.

Isabel Nathan and Amalia Fischer

The events of this year have put many in need, according to senior Zoe Frank—an apprentice with SLP Seeds—the organization has been lending a helping hand during these tough times.

“People are unable to go into grocery stores and might not feel comfortable going in places. Our farm stand is kind of an open-air space, so hopefully it acts as a safe location to come and pick up food,” Frank said. “(This could be) for people who might not be working and may be having monetary issues.”

SLP Seeds is an organization dedicated to sustainable and educational agriculture geared towards helping their community. Board member Julie Rappaport said SLP Seed’s main mission is hunger relief, while also addressing the underlying issues that cause these inequities.

“The end goal would be eliminating poverty, which is at the root of hunger — through education, through engagement and through advocacy,” Rappaport said.

SLP Seeds has nine gardens around the St. Louis Park, which volunteers tend to. Frank said SLP Seeds receives some donations in the form of food and money, but most produce is grown in their own sustainable gardens.  

“You can send anyone, any age, any family, to our warehouse, and we’ll give them fresh food to take.”

— Julie Rappaport

“Almost all of (the produce) is harvested by people from SLP seeds in our gardens around the city. Since it’s a community farm initiative, we are happy to take in people’s donations. It allows us to have more food to give out to people,” Frank said.

While SLP Seed’s harvest used to be directed towards those living in affordable housing areas, they’ve been successful enough to be able to expand who their produce reaches, according to senior Audrey Long, an intern at SLP Seeds.

“We expanded pretty recently and we have enough produce that we can actually be making a profit to help support the organization. Before that, we’d just been distributing in affordable housing places, but now we have enough produce that we can sell stuff,” Long said.

Although the produce at the stand is free, if the customers are able to, they can donate whatever they feel comfortable with. Rappaport said the stand is open to anyone to anyone who wants fresh vegetables.

SLP Seeds inspires a feeling of community to the volunteers and members. Long said she has a personal connection with her garden and loves to pass out the food. She enjoys the feeling of creating change and helping others.

“I really like the farm stand because you actually get to interact with people.  I like the community aspect of being able to make a difference. Being able to give the produce out to people is really satisfying, it feels good,” Long said.

The stand is located at 3260 Gorham Ave S, Suite 150 in SLP. Fresh harvest distributions are 2 p.m. – 6 p.m Tuesday and 9 a.m -1 p.m Saturday. Customers can also request a delivery or pickup order. For more information visit the SLP seeds website.