Park’s Spanish club kicked off on Sept. 28 with its first meeting of the year. The club meets once a month after school on Thursdays.
Senior and Co-President Will Gohman said since this was the first meeting, it was centered around getting to know this year’s members.
“Today, we are just getting to know everyone in the club because it’s the first meeting,” Gohman said. “Right now we’re doing a scavenger hunt for flags where we walk around the halls and try to find Spanish speaking country flags, and then write them down.”
Senior Greta Gabel said she joined Spanish club to try and improve her Spanish in a setting that wasn’t graded as homework.
“I joined the Spanish club because I thought it was a good opportunity to use my Spanish more in a school setting but also not just in schoolwork but just for fun,” said Gabel.
Club advisor Profe Hanna Anderson said they already have the meetings planned out for the majority of the year, many of them themed around holidays.
“Every meeting is already planned ahead,” Anderson said. “We celebrate some Spanish holidays, like Day of the Dead. We’re going to work Christmas and New Year’s traditions. We’re also going to some foods or students will get a chance to cook some Spanish food.”
Gabel said the meeting on Thursday was her first Spanish club meeting and everyone was very enjoyable to be around.
“It’s really fun. I’ve gotten to know different people from different grades,” said Gabel. “Everyone is very inviting and Profe Anderson who’s running it is the kindest person ever.”
While she has planned many of the club meetings in the past, Anderson said she and the Co-Presidents are trying to make it more student-run.
“We are turning this more into a student-led club,” Anderson said. “It used to be more teacher-led, but now we’re trying to have the students organize more activities and be more involved in the planning of the club activities.”
The club’s next meeting is on Thursday Oct. 26. at 3:20 in B228.