Asynchronous days affect learning

Students stay at home for snowstorm


John Hunter

Junior Julian Lambe checks in for attendance on Feb 22-23 during asynchronous learning. All students were required to check in for attendance before 3:15 p.m.

Serena Bovee

With the recent snowstorm that shut down in-person school Feb. 22-23, Park brought back asynchronous learning. 

According to director of learning, teaching and leadership Patrick Duffy,  asynchronous days are about making it easier to connect the students and teachers—even when not in the building.

“(The) purpose is for consistency,” Duffy said. “It gives students a chance to learn with interruptions like snow days. Asynchronous days give students a chance to learn and stay connected with their classroom community.” 

English teacher Callie Hefstad said these days can be a tool for snow days when in-person school isn’t possible. 

“They are an effective tool to teach people,” Hefstad said. “It gives students some sort of structure and purpose for the day which a snow day doesn’t do. I do appreciate it isn’t distance learning where it isn’t full classes and instead just some assignments.” 

According to Duffy, asynchronous days have some drawbacks. 

“They are not as effective as in person learning,” Duffy said. “There are some problems that can occur while learning over the internet such as a lack of communication.”

Hefstad said asynchronous days disrupt the pacing of a class. 

“Asynchronous days affect a ton, they can be helpful or they can be harmful,” Hefstad said. “Though there is nothing that can replace being in a room with your students. I have to create a new plan for my students and maybe set things back a bit.”

According to junior Jack Lanoux, asynchronous days are helpful for doing work.

“Asynchronous days affect my learning by allowing me to get more work done and having more time to do them,” Lanoux said. “Having more time is more important for me. I take some APs, and it is good to have some time to study instead of just sitting in a class I have already finished.”

According to Hefstad, asynchronous days have their uses, even when they can disrupt general class time.

“Having more asynchronous days would be helpful,” Hefstad said. “Even though the learning as a group may be pushed back a bit, it can allow more one-on-one meetings to happen — giving students who are falling behind majorly a chance to catch up.”

According to Lanoux, while asynchronous days are helpful, they can push back general school life and should only be utilized when needed.

“We shouldn’t put more asynchronous days in throughout the year,” Lanoux said. “At most, we should have them for finals. Instead of being an ‘asynchronous day,’ they should instead be called ‘study days,’ so we can be properly prepared for the final tests of the year.”